Stephen Decatur High School A168 Historical Site

Ch 25

__ 1..The early 1990's were marked by     

            A)  The collapse of Communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe     

            B)  The end of the sexual revolution                                           C)  A definite peace in the Middle East     

            D)  The permanent division of Germany into East and West       E)  Collapse of Democracy

__ 2..Problems facing the SU in the 1980s included all of the following except     

            A) Inability of a core feature, centralized planning, to produce needed and desired consumer goods     

            B) Inability of collectivized agriculture to produce enough food to free the SU from the necessity of                                importing grain     

            C) The activities of over-zealous Communist Party members, more interested in Marxist purity than in                            practical solutions to problems

            D) Lack of incentive of workers to work hard or even show up regularly

            E) Weakness of leadership

__ 3..The major purpose of Gorbachev's reforms was     

            A)  To replace communism with capitalism     B)  To maintain Soviet control over Eastern Europe     

            C)  To win the ongoing war in Afghanistan     D)  Cause the defeat of European Socialists

            E)  To bring the Soviet economy up to the standard of western European societies

__ 4..Gorbachev's policy of Perestroika meant     

            A)  Changing the political leadership in the Soviet satellite states     

            B)  Developing a new Soviet constitution     

            C)  Creating a mixed economy, blending Socialist planning with a free market     

            D)  Permitting public criticism and dissent          E) None

__ 5..Gorbachev's policy of Glasnost meant     

            A)  Permitting market forces rather than the government to set prices     

            B)  Encouraging freer discussion of cultural and political matters     

            C)  A political alliance with the United States     D)  None of the above E)  Increase food production

__ 6..During the breakup of the Soviet Union, Eastern European countries gained their political and economic    autonomy. The first country to do so, because it already had a strong anti-Communist trade union   movement, was     A)  Romania     B)  Finland     C)  Poland     D)  Austria   E)  East Germany

__ 7..The eastern European country that ended Communism with the "Velvet Revolution" was     

            A)  Poland     B)  Czechoslovakia     C)  Hungary     D)  Rumania   E)  France

__ 8..East German discontent was in part caused by     

            A)  The standard of living there was the lowest in the Soviet bloc     

            B)  The government was strongly Stalinist, with numerous purges and imprisonments, even in the 1990's             C)  The government could not keep out West German television, which demonstrated how much more                                prosperous that part of Germany was     

            D)  East Germany was visited repeatedly by famines and plagues   E)  West German secret agents

__ 9..The disintegration of the Soviet Union came about not only because of the collapse of Communism but also             because     

            A)  The active promotion of a breakup by the United States     

            B)  A successful polish invasion of Russia     

            C)  Nationalist independence movements in the Ukraine, the Baltic, the Caucasus, and Central Asia     

            D)  The overthrow of Gorbachev in a coup by hardline Communists   E) None

__ 10..From the text's description of the collapse of communism it could be argued that the most important of    several reasons for this was     

            A)  The ability of communism to deliver intellectual freedom

            B)  Serious political mistakes by Gorbachev     

            C)  The unexpected consequences of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan     

            D)  The change in weathert/climate       E)  None of the above

__ 11..The bloodiest ethnic conflicts after the end of communism occurred in     

            A)  Yugoslavia     B)  Lithuania     C)  Czechoslovakia     D)  Hungary   E)  Greece

__ 12..According to the text, two countries rose considerably in stature, power, and influence with the collapse of             Communism, the United States and     A)  Italy     B)  Germany     C)  France     D)  Spain   E) Botwanna

__ 13..The political shift to the right in many European countries and the United States in the 1980's had as one of         its main causes     

            A)  Major problems in the Middle East       B)  The increase in the cost of living

            C)  Economic problems including higher unemployment and declining growth     

            D)  The growth of internationalist terrorism     E)  The economic success of the Soviet Union

__ 14..The Maastricht Treaty of 1992 was     

            A)  A treaty adjusting post-world War II political boundaries in Western Europe     

            B)  A treaty establishing a greater European economic union and a common currency, the Euro     

            C)  A military treaty to replace NATO     D)  Separated the West and East                   E)  None of the above

__ 15..The rise of Islamic so-called "fundamentalist" movement was an indication     

            A)  That the secularization that began with the Enlightenment was ending     

            B)  That local and regional cultures may struggle against global, especially western influences that            threatened their sense of identity     

            C)  Of the unexpected side effects of the collapse of communism     D)  None of the above   E) All

__ 16..As the third millennium dawns, there are reasons both for optimistic and pessimistic outlook. A pessimist             might argue all of the following except     

            A)  AIDS has become a global epidemic, especially devastating in Africa     

            B)  The growth of European population might over strain the resources of the Earth     

            C)  There are still no clear solutions for the problems of pollution     

            D)  The "ozone holes" in the Arctic and the Antarctic might grow     E)  Socialism will disappear

__ 17..As the third millennium dawns, there are reasons both for optimistic and pessimistic outlook. An optimist             might argue all of the following except the   

            A) decline of explosive population growth in Asia and Africa     

            B)  passage of fifty years without a major global conflict and the end of the Cold War     

            C)  still increasing human life span     D)  continued increase in the overall standard of living   E) None


______________________________18. This economic system is based on free enterprise?


_________________  19. Leader of Russia in 2004?


__________________20. Leader of France in 2004