Stephen Decatur High School A168 Historical Site

Eur Test 8

Industrial Revolution Test                                         Name ________________

The Allies restored which monarch to the French throne in 1814 and again 1815/ 

Early uses of steam was all but: 

Pasturing stock is allowed in peace to eat up the food on the pastures, thus giving farmers ample profit.

In managing arable lands, the farmer gets other advantages, such as security against trespass, etc. This justifies what:

This was created by List in 1834 to establish a custom union within the German states?

Of all the industries, the most important sector of the early rev was?

A. Steel B. Copper Farming       C. Textile D. Coke  E. Glazing

The law locks us both man and women, Who steals the goose from off the common, but lets the greater

felon loose,  who steals the common from the goose. The poem is critical of:

Which experienced a rebellion that was primarily motivated by nationalism soon after the end of the

 Napoleonic wars?         A. Eng.,            B. Spain,           C. Greece,        D. France,        E. Russia

James Watt and Matt Boulton were a notable combination of what types of occupations?

The Luddites were known for: 

Repeal of Corn Laws in1848 was strongly opposed by:

Railways changed all but one of the following: A. standardized time, B. suburban development,

            C. vacations, D. national newspapers, E. increase taxation

Cong of Vienna attempted to lessen the possibility of French expansion by: A. leaving foreign troops          on French soil, B. granting Prussia land on the left bank of the Rhine, C. demand French dismantle   military, D. provide a corridor through Germany so Russia could attack France, E. annexing large tracts             of French land

The main reading by the masses in the 1800’s was?  A. Comics, B. Tabloid newspapers,

            C. pulp fiction, D. no reading, E. news magazines

He improved the assembly line and made cars cheaper.

Which name does not belong on the list:

            A. Arkwright, B. Wilkinson, C. Cartwright, D. Cort, E. Coleridge

Prince Metternich tried to control all but one of these: A. constitutionalism, B. religious revival,

C. Nationalism, D. liberalism, E. freedom of press

Who was not a leading figure at the Congress of Vienna? 

            A. Castlereagh, B. Talleyrand,   C. Metternich,   D. Alexander I,             E. Brunswick

Which was the most industrialized city in 18-19th century? 

A. Manchester Eng,      B. Bruges Bel,      C. Edinburgh Scot,     D. Dublin,         E. Paris

The Young workers seemed to be always cheerful and alert taking pleasure in the light play of their

muscles- enjoying the mobility natural to their age. the scene of industry was always exhilarating. . Who would have written this-     

Mary Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792) was first book published in Great

Britain to: 

The primary significance of the Crimean War was that: A. Ottomans lost control of Istanbul,

            B. revealed impact of Industrial Revolution on war,                     C. marked end of Concert of Europe,

            D. left unsolved Crimean region issues,                           E. French gained control of the Holy Land

Metternich was extremely fearful of:      A. nationalism, B. return of Bourbons,               C. return of the Rums, D. impact of industrialization, E. unification of Italy,

Reassertion of royal legitimacy and rejection of republicanism came from what meeting?

The Dual Monarchy referred to:

The Great Reform Act of 1832 in Britain did what?

Results of the Crimean War include all but one of the following:  A. Eng. followed more isolationist

policy, B. Sardinia was invited to peace conference, C. Russia was mad at Austria, D. Spain restore its power, E. Russian military was reformed

What European country started to overtake England as an industrial power? 

What phrase best describes the role of European women in factories as the 19th century progresses?

            A. More worked in Factories,     B. fewer worked in factories,     C. became bosses in factories,

            D. took men’s jobs in factories, E. were unsuitable for the Space programs

The British Factory Act of 1833 was concerned with regulating:

During the early IR, the leading industry was the manufacturing of:

. First person to isolate radium was:

What type of person espoused 19th century liberalism? 

                        A. Proletariat, B. Upper Class, C. Workers, D. Middle class  E. Anarchists

In Communist Manifesto, Marx asserted that:

The communist manifesto call for all but one of these? 

            A. no private property,   B. abolition of inheritance,          C. free education,

            D. industrial armies,                   E. no violence

The whole of mankind has been one of class struggle. The author advocates who to be overthrown?

            He said population increases geometrically whereas food increased arithmetically?

The Great Reform Bill of 1832 granted the vote in Gr. Brit. To:

Which of the following is most accurate for those rulers in the 18th century who are labeled as

            Enlighten despots:

            A. undercut the basis of monarchical  authority,   B. didn’t understand Enlighten thought,

            C. implemented serious long term consequences,             D. toyed with reform but refused to put limits,     E. toyed with reform but refused to put limits on royal prerogatives,          

No person would make something at home which will cost more than to buy it. If a foreign country can

            make something cheaper, we should allow it in:

Which did not help inspire Marx?

            A. Hegel, B. Smith, C. Utopian Socialists, D. factory conditions, E. Russian anarchism

When we ask for the abolition of the state, we are told we are asking for a society composed of men

than are better than what they are. We are only asking that man not be made worse by the institution of the state. The author believes in what?

            The theory of natural selection lies on two main classes of fact was stated by?

 “In conformity, therefore, to the clear doctrine of the scripture, we assert, that by an eternal and

immutable counsel, God has once for all determined, both whom he admit to salvation, and whom he would condemn to destruction.” This said by:

 “Law is the expression of the general will. All

citizens have a right to concur either personally or by their representatives in its formation. The law should be the same for all, whether it protects or whether it punishes.” This was said by:

The greatest happiness of the greatest number is the philosophy of what


He developed the labor theory of value stated to maintain profits, wages need to be kept low.

This group created a charter that stated:: 

Ø      Equal Electoral Districts

Ø      Abolition of the property qualifications for members of Parliament

Ø      Universal Manhood Suffrage (___________) and Vote by Ballot

Ø      Annual Parliaments

He answered famously, "Property is theft!".