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 Rosa told a good friend, "I want to teach high school biology and be seen as an active, caring instructor." According to Mischel's person-situation theory, Rosa has described her

 Peter is out with friends. He talks a lot and is very expressive. He often buys drinks for friends and has no problem talking with strangers. With which of "big five" personality traits is Peter's behavior most consistent?

 Daphne is unconsciously attracted to her instructor, a feeling she would consider immoral and unacceptable. When she talks with her instructor, she acts rather rude and disrespectful. She has told friends that she hates the class because she cannot stand the instructor. Daphne is using the defense mechanism known as

 After job interview, Dexter was given the MMPI-2. The test results will affect whether or not he is hired. Which of the following is not a reason why employers give the MMPI-2 to potential employees like Dexter?

 Emilio's old TV finally broke down, he decided he needed a new one. After buying a new TV, he decided he needed to subscribe to a cable service. He then figured that he needed a VCR to take advantage of all the great programming on cable TV. Because Emilio is motivated by unmet needs, Maslow would say that he has

 Which of the following is a message that might be sent by the id?

 Victoria believes that men feel inferior to women because men cannot have children. Victoria's belief is most consistent with the ideas of which neo-Freudian theorist?

 Hassan is taking a paper-and-pencil personality test that consists of a hundred questions that ask him to rate his happiness in various areas of his life. Hassan is taking which type of personality test?

 Norm, Cliff, and Frazier go into a bar. They notice that Coach, the barender, is nowhere to be seen. Norm says, "I'm thirsty, and I want a drink now!" Cliff looks around and adds, "I don't think we'll get caught if we serve ourselves." "Stop right there!" commands Frazier, "It is wrong to steal!" Whose behavior is most consistent with Freud's notion of the superego?

 Felix lives a highly structured life. He is excessively organized and tidy. His roommate, Oscar, is disorganized and sloppy. Freud would say that both Felix and Oscar have which type of fixation?

Dr. Escobedo has developed her own personality test. It consists of several ambiguous pictures of rural life. She shows the pictures to clients and asks them to tell her a story about each one. She hopes that the test will uncover some of the unconscious problems of her clients. Which type of test has Dr. Escobedo developed?

 Hector displays a high level of anger and aggression toward both his boss at work and his instructors at school. Freud would most likely say he has which type of fixation?

 Terrance does not follow society's norms and has been known to be cruel to animals. According to this description, Terrance should score high on which of Eyesenk's dimensions of personality?

Ever since he was a little boy, violence and gore have always fascinated Jack. At the same time, he felt that it was wrong to be interested in such horrible things. As a teenager, he used to draw bloody murder scenes in his notebooks. He knew that the drawings would upset his parents, so he only shared them with his peers. When he became an adult, Jack went into the business of drawing violent action comic books. What defense mechanism did Jack use?

D17. Leonard says to his mother: "When I grow up, I'll marry you and we'll move into my room. Daddy can get another wife and go someplace else." In Freud's theory, Leonard would be behaving normally for a boy in the ________ stage.

 "I hate blind dates, " said Margaret, "I've never met anyone I liked that way." "You'll like Sam," said Liz. "He's very good-looking." "But what's he like?" asked Margaret. "He's smart, funny, sensitive, adventurous, outgoing, self-effacing, and a bit of a slob," said Liz. Allport would say that in her last sentence, Liz has described Sam's ________ traits.

 In psychology class, Britt took a test based on Rotter's locus of control theory and scored high as an external. Accordingly, that afternoon, when she failed a French test, she most likely said,

Sophie's therapist told her that he was going to measure her needs using a projective test. He showed her ten ambiguous pictures and asked her to tell him what was happening to the people in them. Which test was Sophie taking?


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