Post FR
1. In Eng in early
1800’s, liberals worked most actively to: Strengthened Monarchy, Reform House of Commons, Build Pacific Ocean Colonies,
Restructure the H of Lords, Improve the Guild system, Develop Long Range Battleships
2. The Allies restored
which monarch to the French throne in 1814 and again 1815/ Napoleon, Charles II, William and Mary, Louis XVIII, Joan of Arcadia
3. Pasturing stock
is allowed in peace to eat up the food on the pastures, thus giving farmers ample profit. In managing arable lands, the farmer
gets other advantages, such as security against trespass, etc.: this justifies what: Enclosure of common land, strip farming,
sharcropping, collectivization, terracing
4. The power of
the laborer to support himself does not depend on the quantity of money he receives for wages , but to the quantity of food,
etc.. which the money will purchase. This refers to what man’s belief? Smith’s Wealth of Countries, Ricardo’s
Law of Wages, Lucy’s fight with Ricardo, Burke Philosophy of the Bourgeoisie, Darwin’s Survival of the Fittest
5. Romantic movement
was a reaction against/ Evolution, Scientific Nationalism, Fascism, Darwinism, Sofanoi
6. Of all the industries,
the most important sector of the early rev was? Steel Copper Farming Textile Coke
7. Ttype of person
espoused 19th C liberalism? Lower Class, Proletariat, Middle class, Aristocracy, Olgarigic
8. Early uses of
steam was all but: operate fountains, pump out water, power turbines, operate
textile machines, haul objects up hills
9. Elections to
British House of Commons in the 18th century were primarily limited to those who: had wealth,
were males and older than 21, paid taxes equal to 3 days of wages, proved ancestors voted in Elizabethan times, owned significant amounts of land
10. Eduard Bernstein,
father of Marist revisionism, believed that: Marxism was finished unless it dealt with unemployment, workers need not use
revolutionary tactics but could use democracy, workers need to think of themselves
as slave before Marxism, Nations would have to adjust to Marxism and not the other way around,
Marxism as a political force is over
11. The law locks
us both man and women, Who steals the goose from off the common, but lets the
greater felon loose, who steals the common from the goose. The poem is critical
of: Goose freedom, Common freedom, poaching
laws, enclosure laws, royal
12. Eng., Spain,
Greece, France, Russia- which experienced a rebellion that was primarily motivated by nationalism soon after the end of the
Napoleonic wars?
13. James Watt and
Matt Boulton were a notable combination of what types of occupations? Salesman/Drafter, Engineer/salesman, Architect/Scholar,
Teacher/Doctor, Indian Chief/Medicine Man
14. Alexander I
of Russia came increasingly to fear all but: unlimited autocracy, abolition of
serfdom, disloyal nobles, decline of Christianity, ideas of Enlightenment.
15. Appointment
of Lord Bute in 1761 as Chief minister to George III: solidified George’s
hold over H of C, seemed to violate the idea that the king should select ministers
who had a power base in parliament, came when king suffered a bout of insanity, directly cause Am Revolut, quickly
followed by political stability
16. Repeal of Corn
Laws in1848 was strongly opposed by: factory owners, wage laborers, wealthy landowners, religious dissenters, shopkeeps
17. Who was not
a Romantic author? Byron, Blake, Wordsworth, Stendhal, Bentham
18. Railways changed
all but one of the following: standardized time, suburban development, vacations, national newspapers, increase taxation
19. Congress of
Vienna attempted to lessen the possibility of French expansion by: leaving foreign
troops on French soil, granting Prussia land on the left bank of the Rhine, demand French dismantle military, provide a corridor through Germany so Russia could
attack France, annexing large tracts of French land
20. Generally speaking,
there is no one who knows what is for your interest so well as yourself- no one who is disposed with so much ardor and constancy
to pursue it. the author would support what idea?
21. Which name does
not belong on the list: Arkwright, Wilkinson, Cartwright, Cort, Coleridge
22. Prince Metternich
tried to control all but one of these: constitutionalism, religious revival, nationalism, liberalism, freedom of press
23. Who not a leading
figure at the Con of Vienna? Castlereagh, Talleyrand, Metternich, Alex I, Brunswick
24. Manchester,
Bruges, Edinburgh, Dublin, Paris- which was the most industrialized city in 18-19th century?
25. The Young workers
seemed to be always cheerful and alert taking pleasure in the light play of their muscles- enjoying the mobility natural to
their age. the scene of industry was always exhilarating. . Who would have written this- worker, , inspector, socialist, peasant?
26. Mary Wollstonecraft’s
Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792) was first book published in Great Britain to:
woman to be educated, moral supremacy of women, women should have full rights, create political party for
women, monarchy should pass to eldest child/ even if a woman
27. The primary
significance of the Crimean War was that: Ottomans lost control of Istanbul, revealed
impact of Industrial Revolution on war, marked end of Concert of Europe, left unsolved Crimean region issues, French
gained control of the Holy Land
28. Metternich was
extremely fearful of: nationalism, return of Bourbons, return of the Rums, impact of industrialization, unification
of Italy,
29. Reassertion
of royal legitimacy and rejection of republicanism came from what meeting? Peace of Augsburg, Congress of Vienna, Appelate
of Drama, Dracma of Vershima, Yalta Conference
30. Eng, 1750-1850,
what was a great religious and spiritual renewal? Methodism, Anglican, Lutheranism,
Amish, Shinto
31. Young Italy
is republican. It is Republican because every nation is destined, by the law of god, to form a free and equal community of
brothers; and the republic is the only form of government that insures this future. The author of this passage would support
or reject monarchy?
32. Bon Marche in
Paris was an early: public sporting event, café, apartment building, joint stock
company, department store
33. Between 1870-1914
heavily industrialized W. Eur earn loyalty of its citizens except: extending right to vote to all males, acquiring colonies,
dividing farmland equally among peasants, increase public educ., legalize unions
34. We had to avoid
wounding her too severely; we had to avoid creating bitterness and a desire for revenge. Bismarck wrote the above passage
in 1866 about country? Prussia, Poland, Austria, Russia, Denmark
35. The Dual Monarchy
referred to: Ottoman, Austr-Hungary, Russia, Norway-Sweden, France, Alsac-Loranine
36. The Great Reform
Act of 1832 in Britain did what? Limiting voting, Allowed middle class women the vote, doubled the size of the Electorate,
Allowed nationalized citizens to vote, Limited age you could vote
37. Results of the
Crimean War include all but one of the following: Eng. followed isolationist policy, Sardinia was invited to peace conference,
Rus was mad at Austria, Spain restore its power, Rus military was reformed
38. The 1848 Revolution
was a great turning point in history at which Europe failed to turn. this means what?
Capitalism was stopped,
liberalism failed to overcome nationalism, Communism took power, Conservatives took power in the Knesset, Liberalism beat
39. What European
country started to overtake England as an industrial power? Italy, Ger, US, Poland,
40. China was twice
defeated in war by a European power. This country was: US, GB, Italy, Germany,
41. In revolt of
the Greeks in 1821 against the Ottomans attracted the attention of European liberals because:
Greece home of democracy, Greeks promised universal suffrage, first rebellion in post Napoleonic Europe, marked end of repression
by Congress of Vienna, Great Britain guaranteed Greek sovereignty
42. Which of the
following is one of Freud’s most significent contributions: Spontaneous affection is harmful, unconscious psychological
energy is sexual energy, dreams unrelated to waking thoughts, family life has littl;e to do, genetics predetermine people
43. Social Darwinism
believed that: Darwinism was inapplicable to study of societies, nations operate under principles of natural selection, colonialism is wrong, survival of fittest applied to animals not nations, much could
be learned from Africa and Asiaection
44. During later
1800’s which of the following jobs was NOT a new area of opportunity for employment for women? Teacher, secretary, telephone
operator, shop assistant, mine worker
45. What phrase
best describes the role of European women in factories as the 19th century progresses? More worked in Factories, fewer worked
in factories, became bosses in factories, took men’s jobs in factories, were unsuitable for the Space programs
46. The British
Factory Act of 1833 was concerned with regulating: Women’s rights, Hours of child labor, lighting in textile mills,
size of mines, men’s hours
47. Important changes
in European cities happened in late 19th century include all but this: electric
street cars, gas street lights, new royal palaces, department stories new parks and streets
48. In the origin
of Species, Darwin address the: British Constitution, protect endangered specifies from extinction, , effect of gravity, inevitable
disappearance of humans over time.
49. During early
IR, the leading industry was the manufacturing of: steel, textiles, machine tools, electronic, chemicals
50. The main reading
by the masses in the 1800’s was? Comics, Tabloid newspapers, pulp fiction,
no reading, news magazines
51. The Luddites
were known for: political liberalism, Chartism,
organizing labor unions, breaking machinery, republicanism
52. First person
to isolate radium was: Pasteur, Curie, Planck, Rutherford, Siemens
53. Freud believed
that human are: influence by subconscious, not influence by subconscious, affected by genetics, sometimes affected by sexual desires, very rational