Post 1848
1. What type of person espoused 19th C
liberalism? Proletariat, Upper Class, Workers, Middle class Anarchists
2. Who was not opposed to Ger unification
under Prussian leadership before 1870. Fra, Austria, England,
3. Young Italy is republican. It is Republican
because every nation is destined, by the law of god, to form a free and equal community of brothers; and the republic is the
only form of government that insures this future. The author of this passage would support or reject monarchy? Support Reject
4. Primogeniture means? 5. The Dual Monarchy referred to:
6. Repeal of Corn Laws in1848 was strongly
opposed by
7. Who was not a Romantic author? Byron, Blake, Wordsworth, Stendhal, Bentham
8. The primary significance of the Crimean
War was that:
9. Reassertion of royal legitimacy
and rejection of republicanism came from what meeting?
10. One of the serious impediments
to Italian unification in the mid 1800’s was what person?
11. Bismarck’s
Kulturekampf was an attack on
12. Prussian power in the 18th century
was primarily based on
13. Charles X was overthrown as King of
France for
14. The Irish emigrated to the US and elsewhere in the mid-19th century because
15. Artists who worked in the Impressionist
style attempted to
16. In Communist Manifesto, Marx asserted
17. Anarchist believe that the individual
would be free only when
18. Results of the Crimean War
19. The 1848 Revolution was a great turning
point in history at which Europe failed to turn. This means what? 20. The most serious challenge to Habsburg authority within the empire in the period 1848-68 came
from what 21. The Paris Commune of 1871 resulted from
22. The "Liberal Empire" of Napoleon III
represented an attempt to
23. Expansion of Austria Hungary in late
17th century resulted primarily from
24. The Home Rule struggle in the
British Parliament during the second half of the 19th century was concerned 25. The Second Republic of France began in what year?
26. The Belgian revolt against the Dutch
in 1830 was prompted by29. Pan Slavism was?
27. Frederich Wilhelm IV of Prussia is supposed to have said: “I will not
pick up the crown from the gutter,” in response to a request made by?
28. The communist manifesto call for 29.
In the 1800’s, who would be mostly likely a socialist. Type of job?
29. What European country started
to overtake England as an industrial power?
30. China was twice defeated in war by a European power. This country was:
31. Poland disappeared as an independent nation in the 18th century due to
32. Prussia’s
victory in Austria in 1866 resulted in
34. The Great Reform Bill of 1832 granted
the vote in Gr. Brit. To
35. When we ask for the abolition
of the state, we are told we are asking for a society composed of men than are better than what they are. We are only asking
that man not be made worse by the institution of the state. The author believes in what idea?
36. The whole of mankind has been one of
class struggle. The author advocates who to be overthrown?
37. No person would make something at home
which will cost more than to buy it. If a foreign country can make something cheaper, we should allow it in:
38. The building of a large German navy
in the first half of the 20th century antagonized who
39. Who worked in the Impressionists style
40. The Luddites were known for
41. During 19 and 20th century, the first
European country to experience dramatic birth rates was:
42. Social Darwinism believed that:
43. After the failure of the 1848 Rev.,
many Italian Liberals looked to Piedmont for political leadership because: 44. Utopian socialists were labeled as such by Marx because:
45. The suffragettes gained much attention
in Great Britain because:
46. Virginia Woolf’s A Room for One’s
Own became an important piece of feminist writing pointing out:
47. Max Weber’s The Protestant
Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism attempted to show:
48. The regime of Louis Philippe of France was overthrown in 1848 for
49. The Third French Republic was racked
with scandal in 1890’s over
50. The Boulanger Affair almost destroyed
51. Bismarck’s
attitude towards acquiring colonial possessions was:
52. Alexander II of Russia was called the Reformer Tsar because he was active in
53. European imperialism in Africa was facilitated by
54. Feminism emerged as an important movement.
It most important focus in the early years was
55. The “white man’s burden”
referred to
56. European countries were motivated to
assert imperial control over countries
57. The Frankfurt
Parliament of 1848 marked an attempt to
58. New or reformed police departments
were established in France and England by what year
59. Who was not involved in extending the
understanding of nuclear physics
60. Fabian Socialism advocated
61. I set myself against the notion that
we have to accept the fact the bourgeois will collapse shortly. These people base their theory on he communist manifesto and
they are incorrect. This author would support what idea?
62. State funded public education
became widespread in during what decade?
63. Public health improved by improving
sanitation which was spurred on by the continuing epidemics of:
64. Bismarck’s
greatest fear for Germany was that:
65. The initial German reaction to French
colonialism in Africa was:
66. Which was a result of Einstein’s
theory of relativity:
This Peter Brueghel depicts what?
The painting shown to the right, Judith
and the Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi, is distinguished by its drastic treatment of the subject, an oversized
canvas, and intensified use of light and shadow. The art movement it
represents is: