Ch 21 Before WWI Name
__1.-European life in the late 19th Century
A) Changed little
from life in the earlier part of the century
B) Was
far less prosperous because of the great destruction during the major wars of the 1850's
C) Saw many changes, from big business to
subways to scientific advances such as evolution
D) Was very unhealthy as no progress had been made for a century on the causes and cures
for diseases
E) Did not change as much as life
in the preceding century
__ 2.-The "Second Industrial Revolution" occurred primarily in
A) Southern and
Eastern Europe
B) India and Vietnam
C) Britain, Germany,
France, and the United States D) Africa E) Russia and Mongolia.
__ 3.-The major cities of Europe in the late 19th century
A) Were
neglected by the governments, so that the poor living conditions and overcrowding of the early 19th century became worse
B) Underwent major
transformations, with new boulevards, parks, subways, and government buildings
Were mostly destroyed in the major 19th century wars and had to be rebuilt
D) We built around a common
central business district
E) None of the above
__ 4.-Inhabitants of late 19th century cities
A) Tended
to be almost entirely factory workers
B) Were
sharply divided between aristocratic elite and the unemployed poor, with few people in between
C) Had a full range of social classes-urban elite, upper and
lower middle classes, and factory workers
D) Tended to come from
the Middle East
E) None
__ 5.-In late 19th century European cities, working women tended
to be part of
A) The aristocratic
elite only
B) The upper middle
and lower middle classes
C) Lower middle
class and factory working class D)
Factory working class only
E) The upper bourgeoisie
__ 6.-European middle classes
A) Were
shrinking as the working class grew, demonstrating the accuracy of Marx's prediction
B) Acted
as a solid class, with no distinction between an upper and a lower middle class
C) Became
an increasingly larger share of the urban population
D) Merged with the
working class to create a situation of revolutionary violence
E) Established themselves
as officers in the local militas
__ 7.-Late 19th century women
A) Generally
were confined to the home
B) Generally had to join the working class
C)Generally were permitted to undertake charitable work
D) Found their situation dictated by their
class, on whether they worked or participated in other public activities
E) Fought along side of men in the
__ 8.-Working class families in late 19th century Europe
A) Paid strong attention
to their children B) Never had the mother work outside the home
C)Were often forced by economic necessity to adopt patterns of behavior that often deviated from
the family ideals of the time
D) Had more children than
families in Ancient Egypt E)
None of the above
_ 9.-The general mood of the late 19th century can be described
as optimistic because
A) There
was general scientific progress, both in making fundamental discoveries and producing useful inventions
B) Of healthier sexual attitudes caused
by Victorian morality
C) Of the decline in alcoholism toward the
end of the 19th century
D) Of the increase inn
airplane traffic
E) All of the above
__ 10.-Charles Darwin
A) Invented
the idea of evolution
B) Claimed that humans were exempt
from the evolutionary process
C) Argued that evolution
proceeds by means of natural selection
D) All
E) None
__ 11.-The ideas of Herbert Spencer and others to apply Darwin's
thesis to human behavior is known as
A) Positivism B) Social Darwinism C) Evolutionary
Christianity D) The theory of Relativity
__ 12.-The late 19th century scientist who developed the Periodic
Table of chemical elements was
A) Mendeleev B) Ranke C) Huxley D)
Holmes E)
__ 13.-A new intellectual discipline, founded by Auguste Comte
in the 19th century, was
A) Geography B) Sociology C) History D)
Philosophy E)
__ 14.-Numerous advances in medicine occurred during the 19th
century. The basic discovery that permitted
those advances was
A) Pasteur's discovery
of bacteria B) Einstein's discovery of relativity
C) Darwin's demonstration
of evolution D) Crick and Watson's demonstration
of the structure of DNA
E) Uncle Ben’s rice
__ 15.-The word that is most often used to describe late 19th
century European literature is
A) Realism B)
Classicism C) Renaissance D) Postmodernism
E) Renaissance
__ 16.-The word that describes much of the important art of the
late 19th century is
A) Scientism B)
Impressionism C) Postmodernism D) Classicism E) Renaissance
__ 17.-Claude Monet
A) Was an Impressionist
painter whose works remained virtually unsold during his life
B) Was
the foremost sculptor of the late 19th century
C) Was
an impressionist painter who became recognized as France's premier artist, with his works commanding high prices
D) Was an important
late 19th C scientist
E) Developed the Gothic style in art
__ 18.-Sigmund Freud argued that
A) Human
behavior is totally rational
B) Much of human
behavior was irrational, unconscious, and instinctual
C) Children did
not develop sexual conflicts D) Nature v Nurture E) None
__ 19.-Popularity of such late 19th and early 20th C thinkers
such as Nietzsche and Bergson indicated
A. That scientific modes of thinking
had triumphed in Eur
B) That there was growing disenchantment with the optimistic bourgeois society of the time
C) That male society
was beginning to accept feminist ideas
D) None of the above
E) All of the above
__ 20.-A 19th century thinker who demonstrated great disenchantment
with the optimism of the bourgeoisie of
his time was A) Nietzsche B) Einstein C) Darwin D) Monet E) Calvin Klein
__ 21.-The late 19th -early 20th century artistic movement that
led to subjective and abstract art is called
A) Classicism B) Neo-Classicism C) Romanticism
Expressionism E)
_____________ 22. .-The major technological changes of the late
19th century have been termed the _.
_____________23.-19th C Paris underwent major reconstruction
by Baron Haussmann under the direction of __.
_____________24.-In the late 19th C schoolteachers, postal workers,
and clerks were generally grouped in the _
___________________ 25.-The emphasis in the late 19th century
on family life meant that the ? often became the
true center of life.
_____________26.-A playwright who wrote about how bourgeois society
restricted women was
_________________ 27.-Artistic movement of the late 19th century
that emphasized subjective, often abstract
paintings was