Ch 22 AP WWI Text Test
Name ____________
__ 1.-The Communist primarily responsible for the Bolshevik military
victory in the civil war that followed the
Russian revolution was A) Trotsky B) Lenin C) Stalin D) Kerensky E. Putin
__ 2.-Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia in Nov 1917 was followed
A) Civil war won by the Bolsheviks who consolidated their victory
B) Alliance between Russia and Germany, dividing E. Europe between
C) The total collapse of the Communist regime
D) The establishment of democracy in Russia E)
Increase in the farm workers pay
__ 3.-Of all the "isms" of the 19th Century, the one most directly
involved in the onset of World War I was
A) Liberalism B) Socialism C) Conservatism D) Nationalism E) Hipernatism
__ 4.-The era preceding the outbreak of World War I
A) Saw a decline of nationalist sentiment
B) Saw the formation of an alliance
system that pitted Ger, Aus, and It against GB, Fr, and Rus
C) Saw Scandinavia become a dangerous flash point for unrestricted
D) Saw a strong tendency towards international disarmament
E) Saw an increase in technology leading to the development of TV before
__ 5.-After the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand
A) Germany gave Austria an unconditional
offer of support, the "blank check"
B) Russia immediately declared war on France C) The US entered the war on the side of Germany D) An
international Congress was held in Vienna to resolve the tensions
E. All of the Above
__ 6.-In 1916, Germans tried to bleed French manpower through
a massive assault on
A) Verdun B) Tannenberg C) The
Marne D) Paris E)
__ 7.-WWI is often considered a total war because
A) Every nation in the world was involved
B) Because of t great variety of weapons used
C) War had major effects on the home front as well as on the battlefield
D) Because all European countries became totalitarian dictatorships, anticipating
Hitler and Stalin
E) First time a diet cereal was used
__ 8.-The home front during World War I
A) Was irrelevant to the battlefield
B) Saw governments end economic regulation in order to stimulate
wartime production
C) Saw government undertake major regulations of production, consumption,
wages, and prices
D) Saw women confined to their homes, ostensibly in order to protect
them from the war
E) Saw the use of electronic mass media
__ 9.-Käthe Kollwitz was
A) An important German female musician of the early 20th century
B) An important German artist, doing propaganda a work for the
German government during World War I C) A German artist who erected
memorials to the fallen of World War I
D) Developed the Polish nurse corps.
E) None of the above
__ 10.-WWI was ended by the
A) Peace of Westphalia
B) Peace of Versailles
C) The Congress of Vienna
D) The Council of
Trent E) Treaty pf Paris
__ 11.-Wilson advocated all of the following at Versailles conference
A) Open covenants openly arrived at
B) A permanent American presence in Europe
C) A general association [league ] of nations to insure the maintenance
of peace
D) A just, non-vindictive peace with Germany E)
Limit Arms
__ 12.-At the peace settlement of Versailles after WWI
A) Clemenceau, the French prime minister, desired a harsh peace
to keep Germany harmless
B) Wilson wished to divide Germany into several smaller republics
C) Austria emerged with the greatest territorial gains
D) Germany was declared not guilty for starting World War I E) The Germany begged for peace
__ 13.-The League of Nations after WWI
A) Failed to include Germany and Russia as initial members B)Was warmly supported by the US
C) Had a small but well-trained peace keeping force D) All of the above
E. None
__ 14.-Which of the following best connects the Russian Revolutions
of 1905 and 1917?
A) Lenin and the Bolsheviks carefully planned both; 1905 was really a dress rehearsal for 1917
B) Nicolas II basically went back on his liberal promises of 1905 and did nothing
to change Russia's basic social and economic problems
C) Both revolutions started with military coups by disaffected generals
D) Both happened in the 21 century
E) None
__ 15.-The Russian revolution of 1905 resulted in
A) The abdication of Tsar Nicholas II
B) The seizure of power by the Bolsheviks
C) The calling of the Duma, a parliament D) The killing of Rasputin E) None of the above
__ 16.-During the WWI
A) Nicholas II took command of the Russian armies, but only made the desperate military situation worse
B) Lenin ordered the Bolsheviks to support the war and the Russian
C) Nicholas II liberalized the Duma in order to obtain support
for the government
D) Russian troops defeated the Germans, permitting Russian generals
to state a coup against Nicholas II
E) Showed charisma and great leadership skills
__ 17.-The Bolsheviks
A) Were a faction of the Russian Social Democratic party
B) Were only a minor party in Russia until the revolution of March,
C) Were led by Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, who used the revolutionary
name of Lenin
D) Were a lead group in the 1905 Revolution E) A new party developed when the Tsar died
__ 18.-The Provisional Government in Russia in 1917 failed because
A) Nicholas II staged a successful countercoup, restoring autocratic
B) The Austrian army captured Petrograd (St. Petersburg), dispersing
the revolutionary government
C) It could neither get out of an unpopular war nor satisfy the
demands of the peasants for land
D) It lacked the support of the Tsar
E) None of the above
__ 19.-The Bolsheviks in 1917
A) Replaced the Provisional Government by winning democratic elections
B) Seized power
from the weak Provisional Government by a coup organized by Trotsky
C) Rejected Lenin
as their leader and turned to Stalin instead
D) Joined with the
German army in an effort to defeat the Triple Entente
E) None
__ 20.-To consolidate Bolshevik power, Lenin did all of the following
A) Expropriate all the lands of the Russian Orthodox church
B) Nationalize the land for distribution
to the peasants
C) Take over the system of soviets democratic in theory but in
practice dominated by a Communist
D) Call a Constituent Assembly which provided a constitution giving
the Bolsheviks a monopoly of
E) Create the Cheka
__________________ 21.-The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand,
the immediate trigger of WWI, took place at.
_________________ 22.-The pre-World War I alliance of Germany,
Austria, and Italy is called the
_________________ 23.-The area in Europe of the greatest political
and national instability was
_________________ 24.-The ___ parties of Europe in 1914, although
dedicated to the support of
internationalism and opposition to war, supported their various governments.
_________________ 25.-The only major surface naval battle of
World War I was at